BARC Home Page
Weekly Attendance
BARC Protocol Net

Northeast Nebraska Weekly Protocol Net:

Guide for the Net Control


Preamble script, basic format, conduct suggestions, and requirements


The option to conduct the Monday club net is available to any Bellevue Amateur Radio Club repeater user as long as you're able to do so with adherence to FCC regulation, Amateur Radio convention, and all relevant club rules regarding repeater use and those specifically pertinent to this net.

updated concept logo by w0dbw

Net Contol Types

If you are a PRIMARY net control then you will be on a regular weekly rotation or some kind of schedule. A primary net control conducts the net on a regular basis. Maybe that is just once a month, or once every two months, or every other week. It is a flexible schedule that can accommodate your availability. What is important is that when scheduled, you do not become unavailable on the day of the net without any notification.

If you are a BACKUP net control then you will take over the net if during the net the primary net control station becomes unavailable. You will also keep a list of net checkin names, callsigns, and note each checkin with traffic. At the end of the net you shall compare your list with that of the primary net control as a form of redundancy to prevent errors.

As a BACKUP you shall also commit to starting the net if one of the primary net controls has not started the net by 8:01 PM CST (20:00), not a second later.

You are required to use an accurate clock, a so-called atomic clock is recommended, or one that is within a couple seconds of Official NIST U.S. Time.


Use this preamble as a guide of how to start the net and procedure for net operation.

Attention Stations, this is [callsign], net control for the Weekly Protocol Net. My name is [first name] and I will be your net control this evening. This net takes place on the W0WYV 147.39 repeater, requiring a PL tone of 131.8 Hz.

The purpose of this net is to practice our communication skills as they relate to procedures and conventions in amateur radio. It is also an opportunity for us to get to know other members of our local radio community. Please share your traffic and ham radio related announcements on events in the area including those from other clubs.

Although sponsored by the Bellevue Amateur Radio Club, this net is open to all ham operator checkins regardless of club affiliation. Anyone within range of this repeater that wishes to checkin may do so. This is a directed net, meaning all transmissions will be directed by net control.

When checking in, I would ask that you call "net control," and let the repeater drop, then continue with your name, callsign, and location. Please give all three, name, callsign, and location. Because this is FM, phonetics are not necessary unless specifically requested by net control. If you do not have traffic for the net, there is no need to state "no traffic."

This is [callsign], net control station for the Weekly Protocol Net. At this time I will take checkins from any station. If you wish to checkin please call "net control," and let the repeater drop, then continue with your name, callsign and location.


All stations please wait.

At this time I will acknowledge...

[recall checkins]

This is [callsign], net control station for the Weekly Protocol Net. Please remember that there is both a Monday and Wednesday net on this repeater at 8:00pm Central Standard Time. On Wednesday is the Weekly Radio Scouting Net.

Also, please be advised that the Bellevue Amateur Radio Club meets monthly every third Thursday, 7:30pm, at the Masonic Lodge Bellevue, 1908 Franklin Street. Doors open at 7:00pm.

I will now go to operators with announced traffic for the net.

[process traffic]


That takes care of all listed traffic. At this time I will take another standby for any other stations that would like to checkin to the Weekly Protocol Net. Please checkin with your name, callsign, and location.

[recall checkins]

[process any additional traffic]


I would like to thank everyone that checked in to tonight's Weekly Protocol Net. I would also like to thank the Bellevue Amateur Radio Club for the use of this repeater.

According to my record all traffic has been handled. Are there any exceptions?

This net is secured, this station is secured, and this repeater is now open for normal amateur use. This is [callsign].


It is important that you property ID by giving your station call sign as required, with no more than ten minutes time passing between station identification. It is also important that you give each operator with traffic the opportunity to provide their ID prior to concluding their contribution to the net. If an operator has a question, or traffic, and the information is satisfied then the operator must provide ID as the last part of their final transmission.

It is important that you do not break protocol during the net. Don't use bad operator practice such as saying "for ID" after giving your call sign, or using terms such as "break." There are some good operator guides available on this web site to help you with amateur radio convention and protocol. Using proper phonetics if you find it necessary to use the phonetic alphabet is also important. The ARRL phonetic alphabet is identical to the U.S. military phonetic alphabet. If you're a military guy then this should be easy. (Alpha, Bravo, Charlie...)

You may take liberty with the net and do something different, as in, you might want to have a poll question, or a discussion. That is up to you. Just keep in mind that the intent of the net is not to be a "chat" net, it is meant to be somewhat brief and to provide information. However, you might have something you want to try of value and net participants sometimes find it interesting to do something additional to the regular roll call, traffic, and events format. Cover the basics and feel free to add a little something of your own if you like.

Use the events schedule on this web site when you discuss upcoming events. You may also include events you would like to mention as long as it is amateur radio related in some way.

Feel free to use your own Tip of the Week if you like, as long as the tip is valid. Skip the tip if you like, it is not required. Substitute the Tip of the Week with something of your own invention if you like, as long as it is tasteful and relevant.


You are required to KEEP A RECORD of the net with some basic information.

Be sure to take down each checkin NAME, CALL SIGN and optionally their location.

Also take note of which operator has TRAFFIC and the number of traffic items for the operator.

If you have observed the weekly attendance sheet from this web site you will get an idea of what records are kept. You will see each week having the net control at the top, each participant call sign, and which operators had traffic along with the number of traffic items. Beyond that no other data is collected and recorded.


This guide may be updated or otherwise modified at any given time, so it might be useful to check back again. Your suggestions are welcome. Offer your ideas to make this a better net. Listen for participant suggestions, we can make a net that best fits this club by listening to club members when they have thoughts on the net. Not everyone's ideas might fit, however, if a number of members have a request it should be considered valid.

Bellevue Amateur Radio Club regulations apply to the net. Specific requests from the club president shall be observed. It is not required to be a club member to participate in the net and provide traffic. All net conduct and procedure is subject to change by the club governing body and relevant committee or individual appointed to general oversight of the net. This net is a reflection of Good Amateur Radio Operator Practice and therefore should be inviting, friendly, and efficient, demonstrating the best of what amateur radio is about.

This page maintained by

Derek Winterstien W0DBW